Increase revenue and stay
ahead of customer expectations

Increase your

revenue right away

By offering your coursebooks in an interactive form and with a multilingual interface, you will easily reach new customers. Without investing in technology or new distribution channels, expand your offerings with a compelling digital product available 24/7 worldwide.

Get ahead
of the competitors

Forget the costly and time-consuming implementation of in-house digital coursebook technologies. Reach out to a proven solution. The e-coursebook technology is always at your fingertips.

Respond to the demands

of Generation Z

Remote, on-site, hybrid learning, interactive coursebooks, engaging, motivating, available anytime, anywhere, and preferably green. The expectations of today’s recipients are high. This is where the e-coursebook comes in – accessible right away, engaging, and mobile. Get the perfect solution for demanding students and teachers. All this and environmentally friendly too!

Tailor it to different audiences

The e-coursebooks can be diversified even within a single publication if you enrich them with additional tests, supplementary exercises, commentaries, flashcards, and games. Any of these extras are available to the student or teacher. Offer products tailored in content and price to meet the needs of different customer groups.

… and you can use the savings to grow your publishing company

An e-coursebook – being a digital product – allows for great savings. Printing, storage, and distribution costs are eliminated. It also reduces spending on testing new coursebooks, introducing new editions, and promotional activities. Take advantage of these possibilities, and use the funds you save to further develop your publishing company.

In just 3 steps, you can publish your

e-coursebook FREE OF CHARGE

Need more arguments? Want to make sure that an e-coursebook is the perfect solution for you? Write to us!